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A prominent company, meeting the high market demands for durable Industrial Lockers, Industrial Heavy Duty Rack, Medium Duty Rack, Super Market Rack, Slotted Angle Rack, Display Boltless Rack, Ladder Type Rack, and many other products. 

Storex Storage Solutions ends search of numerous market buyers for reliable and durable storage products. In 1978, we began our operations and since then have been making constant progress by supplying high grade Industrial Lockers, Industrial Heavy Duty Rack, Slotted Angle Rack, Display Boltless Rack, Ladder Type Rack, Medium Duty Rack, Super Market Rack, and many other products.These are praised for their ability to bear heavy load, splendid finishing, appealing look, and resistance against corrosion. 

Manufacturing Facility

As we aim to meet the maximum number of market demands for storage racks, we have equipped ourselves with the best manufacturing facilities. Our company has state-of-the-art facilities in its Hyderabad, Telangana, India-based setup, where it develops offered wide variety of storage products with precision and in an excellent speed. The setup covers a large area and allow us to have smooth manufacturing process of various products in different sizes.


Paying attention to maintaining the supreme quality standards has remained an essential step of our business process. Due to this focus and concern, we have always delivered a commendable quality range and developed strong relationships with customers.

After completion of our products with the use of machine operations like punching, shearing and bending, we ensure that no residue of oil is left on products. We also deliver products after passing them through four step seven tank special anti corrosion treatment that comprises below steps:

  • Degreasing (Alkaline Cleaning)
  • Removal of alkaline impurities
  • Pickling (Acid cleaning)
  • Removal of acidic impurities
  • Phosphating
  • WaterRinsing
  • Passivation